More About Mulching
Some pointers to one of the most beneficial practices for better tree health – Proper Mulching Techniques, with additional guidelines on how to mulch around a tree, courtesy Wiki …

Immediate Threat
The Shot-Hole borer problem is sufficiently serious to require the City to transform its protocol into a legally enforceable document urgently, & not rely on residents and tree fellers to be the frontline in this fight

Reconnecting With Nature
A game-changer, about why indigenous gardening is transformative. It’s thought-provoking, with compelling reasons why we need a radical, new ethic

The Wondrous Capabilities of Trees
It’s not only the story of a remarkable scientist and her ideas, it harvests powerful knowledge about why trees matter, and why trees are a viable, achievable solution to climate change

Bark Stripping Crisis
They say bark stripping is the equivalent of stripping the skin off living humans as it rips away the trees’ ability to disperse water and nutrients

How Trees Work For Us
Let’s look at the benefits we experience every minute of the day from trees that improve our quality of life and reduce our health costs – & see how they work

Cape Town’s ”Champion Trees”
Cape Town is home to some of the oldest cultivated gardens in the country. Many of its trees are beloved for their heritage value or noteworthy size.
While its Champion Trees have borne witness to hundreds of years of history

Climate Crisis – Now
Cut through the noise around climate change – and hold the feet of the powerful to the fire.
Stay attuned to the big picture and the environment stories around The COP Glasgow conference

Resilient Cities Need Parks
“This book details the … vision for future, more resilient cities where Large Urban Parks are at the core … It will inspire you to care for and share the green treasures of your cities!”