Tree Matters Blog
Books that inform
Mind-boggling & Moving
Find out what trees feel, how they communicate in this beautifully-written book that journeys deep into the forest to uncover the fascinating, and surprisingly moving, hidden life of trees
Secrets of a Tree Whisperer
Suzanne Simard revolutionised the way we think about plants and fungi with the discovery of the woodwide web. The ecologist’s book Finding the Mother Tree shares the wisdom of a life of listening to the forest
Changing The World
There was a time when a book could change the world. ’’Silent Spring’’ set in motion a movement that produced Earth Day, the Environmental Protection Agency, a domestic ban on DDT and a transformation of how Americans see the world they inhabit
People who inspire
The Incredible Journey
Once upon a time there was a man named Richard St Barbe Baker whose goal was to protect the planet’s existing trees, to reforest the Sahara and to save earth from environmental destruction
An Environmental Investigator
Don Pinnock is a freelance investigative environmentalist journalist / photographer.
We follow his articles in the Daily Maverick with interest, and recommend you do too.
The Fire-Starter
A fire-starter that’s a dual commentary on how our hubris is robbing Earth of its symphonic aliveness & on our moral inadmissibility of remaining silent about the destruction
Benefits of trees
The Wondrous Capabilities of Trees
It’s not only the story of a remarkable scientist and her ideas, it harvests powerful knowledge about why trees matter, and why trees are a viable, achievable solution to climate change
Bark Stripping Crisis
They say bark stripping is the equivalent of stripping the skin off living humans as it rips away the trees’ ability to disperse water and nutrients
How Trees Work For Us
Let’s look at the benefits we experience every minute of the day from trees that improve our quality of life and reduce our health costs – & see how they work
Cape Town’s ”Champion Trees”
Cape Town is home to some of the oldest cultivated gardens in the country. Many of its trees are beloved for their heritage value or noteworthy size.
While its Champion Trees have borne witness to hundreds of years of history